so here i am in regina. and it's pretty exciting. but maybe i should start with the bus ride.
ok. bus ride. uneventful. that's all i have to say.
so after the fairly boring bus ride, we got here. no duh. and basically watched canadian idol, had ice cream, and played some settlers; cities and knights version. and i am proud to say that i was the queen of catan for the night!
and then this morning, after a wonderful pancake breakfast, erika and i made mint brownies...which i will be taste testing in a little while! sorry, got a bit side tracked there. auntie dawna, derek, erika and i played settlers; cities and knights version. i could have won on my turn, which made me kinda mad! but erika ended up winning. she was queen of catan...
anyways, we also went swimming this afternoon, and played some water volleyball, which was fun until we got cold. so then we went to this free museum (been there before) but it's pretty neat...although it is the source of my childhood nightmares!! because you see, they have this one room with this t-rex, and you can press and button and it roars and moves and stuff. and now that i'm older, it's not so scary. but when i was younger, i was terrified!! it literally gave me nightmares.
then erika and i played settlers; cities and knights again. and i would just like to say that i was once again crowned the queen of catan! but that could all change tonight...with another game of settlers! man, i gotta find some friends near home that play settlers...i usually only play with my family. and it's such a great game! it is tied for my favorite other favorite is full contact dutch blitz!!
anyways, this week is looking very promising. even though i am only here until friday, it's going to be great. and then the youth retreat on the's a great way to end the summer. i am ready to go back to school...i miss my friends. and i'm excited to see what centennial will be like. but that can wait a week.