Saturday, December 30, 2006
but seriously, the youth all-nighter was last night. and i had a great time just hanging out with friends and playing games bowling and sitting around and trying to sleep and watching Cars and trying to fall asleep didn't work though. i actually tried to fall asleep, and i actually couldn't. it was kind of strange.
so here's my story as to how tired i actually was at 8 this morning (when it ended):
i walked out into the foyer of the church to see if my parents were here yet. and i saw a van drive up, and i'm like sweet they are punctual (it was 8am exactly) and i went back to grab my stuff and say goodbye and everything. then after like five minutes of saying goodbye to people, i walked out of the church, and i'm like wait a van's not here...and keith yells at me, he's like katelynn your parents aren't even here! so i walked back into the church just laughing my head off, because my parents were there yet, and i hadn't slept for a long time, and it was pretty funny. and then sam is like isn't that your parents...and they had just driven up. so yeah it was pretty funny...or at least i thought so early this morning. so that's my story.
and then i just crashed when i got home...barely had the energy to take out my contacts. but i managed to get down to the basement to crash in the dark spare bedroom. except my dad made me get up this afternoon at 1:50...he said if i didn't get up then my schedule would be so messed up because of sleeping and whatnot...but it's going to be messed up again because of new year's tomorrow....whatever.
so yeah i'm kind of tired right now. but kind of awake. i think i'm only still tired because i'm just sitting around doing nothing...i feel ready to go out and hang out and see my friends again...even though i just spent 12 hours with most of them. but they're all still sleeping i think, and i don't really want to call and wake them up. so i'll just sit here and do nothing. or maybe go back to sleep.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
100th Post!
but besides the fact that this is my 100th post (whoopee)...i really don't have that much to say. and no this isn't going to be a completely random post, like most of mine have been lately.
i don't have much to say, because i've been pretty out of it over the last couple days. i've been listless and not enthusiastic...which is very strange for me. i've also been extremely exhausted as of late...and i've been getting a lot of sleep.
i just don't really know what's going on with me. but i'm so out of it, that in some ways, i don't even care. i'm past bored. i'm just sitting around doing nothing. i've watched a couple movies that i don't even want to watch...but yet i sit there and watch them, for lack of anything better to do. over the last couple days i have just sat in random places in my house and just stared out the window, or at a random inanimate object. just sitting and starting, for sometimes 15 or 20 minutes at a time. just because i don't have anything better to do.
and i guess i'm not really making anything for myself to do. but i don't really feel like it. my mom keeps asking me what i want to do, and if i want to play a game, and all that. and i don't. for some strange reason, i'm perfectly content to just sit there and stare.
the funny thing is that when i did hang out with a couple friends yesterday and today, i was fine. or at least very close to fine.
i don't know what's going on. i wasn't excited for christmas, i don't really care. maybe i'm just so far past bored that nothing is affecting me.
in any matter, it feels really wierd to not really be bored or anything; it's a very strange feeling to just sit around and stare.
but i haven't been smiling of laughing overly much, and that's kinda starting to freak me out. maybe the all-nighter will do me some good. or maybe i'll just fall asleep.
Monday, December 25, 2006
From Focus on the Family...
When teaching, I sometimes ask someone to lend me a pencil. Then I break it in half, throw it on the ground and crush it under my foot.
The audience's reaction is shock. What right do I have to break someone else's pencil? But then I explain that it's really my pencil. I planted it beforehand with the person. So I have the right to do with it as I please. Paul makes a similar point in 1 Corinthians 6.
The believers in Corinth lived as if their lives were their own. But Paul tells them they own nothing, not even themselves. God is the only one who has the right to do what He wants with your life--your body, your behavior, your money, your possessions. How we handle these demonstrates who we believe is the true owner: God or ourselves.
by Randy Alcorn
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Wal-Mart Shopper
Dear Mrs. Smith,
Over the past six months, your husband has been causing quite a commotion in our store. We cannot tolerate this behavior and may ban both of you from our stores. We have documented all incidents on our video surveillance equipment! All complaints against Mr. Smith are listed below. Things Mr. Smith has done:
1. June 15: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in other peoples carts when they weren't looking.
2. July 2: Set all the alarm & clocks in House wares to go off at 5-minute intervals.
3. July 7: Made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the restrooms.
4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official tone, 'Code 3' in house wares and watched what happened.
5. Aug 4: Went to the Service Desk and asked to put a bag of M&Ms on lay-a-way.
6. Sept 14: Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.
7. Sept 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and told other shoppers he'd invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department.
8. Sept 23: When a clerk asks if they can help him, he begins to cry and asks, 'Why can't you people just leave me alone?'
9. Oct 4: Looked right into the security camera; used it as a mirror, and picked his nose.
10. Nov 10: While handling guns in the hunting department, asked the clerk if he knows where to find the antidepressants.
11. Dec 3: Darted around the store suspiciously loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme.
12. Dec 6: In the auto department, practiced his Madonna look" using different size funnels.
13. Dec 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browse through, yelled "PICK ME!" "PICK ME!"
14. Dec 21: When an announcement came over the loud speaker, he assumes the fetal position and screams "NO! NO! It's those voices again!!!!"
And last, but not least....
15. Dec 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited awhile, and then yelled very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here!"
haha...well i found it pretty funny. did you know wal-mart is now open 24 hours a day!? i think it would be so much fun to go shopping at like 3 in the my parents would let me!
Flowers for ME!

and closer still!
you have to admit, they are very pretty...they are sitting in my kitchen, and everytime i go by i just have to stop to smell and admire them...i've never gotten flowers before. i quite like the fuzzy feeling it gives me inside!!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
4 More Days
well, there are four more days until christmas.(or, as bryn would say...five more she holds up three fingers...hahaha oh great times in english today)
boy oh boy. it hasn't really hit me yet that christmas is so close. well, it has...i mean, i've been decorating and buying and playing christmas music and saying merry christmas, and my family has started to roll into town, and there are presents underneath the tree, and there is only one more day of school left...but it still hasn't really hit me. normally at this time of year i am jumping up and down, there's no more school, yay, family coming in, lots of food, christmas baking, presents, yaddah yaddah yaddah. but i'm not jumping up and down. i'm not excited. and i don't know why. it's not like i'm dreading christmas. i'm not. i am looking forward to it...i'm just...not ecstatic about it. and i wish i was. i love jumping around and singing christmas music to no end and being all merry and jolly and all that stuff. but i'm not. tomorrow's the last day of school, it's a short day, and we have a pep rally. i don't even care. it's just so-so.
maybe it's just a mind set. yeah, that's probably what it is. well i am officially trying to now get myself into the christmas spirit. i'll start by eating these candy canes that are sitting beside me...
Monday, December 18, 2006
Banquet (with pictures)


grace & leon


mylandra & curtis (her new boyfriend!!!)

keith (and me)


and ben.

it was great. i had such a good time arguing about food and how it should sit on your plate with jarred and keith...i was sitting in between those two, and just had a great time going back and forth between the two of them. and occasionally spitting out random comments into the conversation across the table.
and of course, there were other people there too.
like janelle, in her poofy pink dress.

and ellen and josh (oh the lengths i went through to get a picture of these two together...)

rachel and tired, sleepy, pregnant lynette.

and carly and kwad.

of course, there were still more people. we had 34 students there! but alas, i was not able to get pictures of everyone...oh well! i'm taking a camera to the all-nighter...hehehe, watch out! i'm out and about with the camera...and i want good pictures!
anyways that was mostly beside the point. the banquet was great. awesome food, awesome entertainment, some fun games (jarred and i pretty much kicked butt for our team! woot woot!), some great and yummy gifts, and just generally a great night. i had an awesome time. i wish this happened more often...i love dressing up and having dinner with friends.
hey guys...let's plan our own formal banquet!!! haha just kidding...or am i?
Friday, December 15, 2006
10 more day until Christmas!
ok i cannot believe it. christmas is exactly 10 days away!!! well at least one of them is...yeah i have three christmas'. because of like extended family and my dad's side of the family is christmas eve (9 days away!) and my mom's side is usually boxing day...but this year we are having it december it will christmas/new years. an interesting way to do it. it'll be a break between all the christmas', this way we won't have 3 in a row, like we usually do.
anyways. tonight is the youth christmas banquet...and i can honestly say that i am pretty excited! i have a's not new, but it's comfy and pretty cool looking. i'm going to be doing my hair...hope that turns out. looking forward to eating some yummy food. and mexico applications come out tonight! which is awesome. but back the actual banquet. i'm taking a camera, and i'm going to take some sweeeeeet check back here if you want to see pictures of my friends and i dressed up fancy!
oh yeah this blog is definately the place to know, i think it's gotten more boring since i started posting all the time. whatever. not like i'm really posting for anyone in particular.
you know, exactly a year ago (december 15, 2005) i posted on this exact blog (no it was a different one...geez) and i talked about people having emotional needs. and i still think that everyone has emotional needs. how could you not? i also think that it's hard to figure out what those needs's not the easiest thing to just sit down and say i need this many people to ask me about my day, and this many people to remember my birthday, and this many people to give me a hug, etc. because emotional needs change on a daily basis.
anyways that's really all i had to say. besides, this class is over.
oh wait, here's a picture (yeah this is sooo random...)
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
From My Secret Santa
i am so stoked about this secret santa thing, i don't think i've ever been this into something like this before.
go me.
Another Random Post
yeah ok check that out i have got to be THE most random person ever...honestly i can say that and not feel bad for myself or anything. i actually kinda like being random. but it's pretty odd some days...and no i don't have a really clever example from today. although yesterday...i was pretty insane and crazy (steph you know what i am talking about...sorry you had to witness all that haha) but yeah i mean there are days when i am just COMPLETELY out of it...but i don't mind. and people that i spend time with...actually i think have kinda of started to...expect? from me. i'm the random crazy sometimes stupid blonde. and i'm ok with that. i really don't care. now, i'm not saying that i'm a complete doofus and that i walk around with my tongue hanging out and starting at people...cuz i don't. (generally)
but i do do some strange talking to myself. randomly changing the subject, or jumping into a conversation with the most random sentences. like analyzing my day. like running around screaming and laughing and not caring who is staring at me.
and yet i am a very self conscious how does this work, you may ask?? well keep wondering, because i have no idea and am not even going to try to speculate on it.
i would just like to say that this is a random post. there is not really anything interesting going on in my life right now, and i really want to post. so here i am posting...being crazy and just in general being me. this blog just hasn't really seen this side of me, because usually when i post i am talking about something really deep and meaningful or something. but haha whatever today i am not!
oh guess what. i am currently taking drivers ed. isn't that exciting??? i think it's alrite. not really that great i suppose...but still. i'm getting my learners in january!!!! woot woot i will be able to drive!!! we hope at least.
man i am so stoked just for stuff that i have coming up in the next six months...besides "something" (192 days i think haha). but there's christmas and new years, and my cousin/aunt/uncle are coming from yemen to visit us for christmas. and then there is hopefully the youth retreat, and learner's license, and hawaii, and two band trips, and possibly mexico, and possibly being accepted to go to egypt in my grade 11 year...i wonder when applications come out for that...anyways that was pretty off-topic. not that there really is a topic. but still.
erin left for phoenix today...and kellen left for florida. kayla leaves for hawaii they're all leaving me here alone!!! ahh well i will live and i actually do have other friends, contrary to what my sister thinks. but i do/will miss them!!!
my basketball team is doing secret santas. i have no idea who my santa is...i know a couple people of who it's not, but don't really want to know who it is. ruins the surprise, you know. but i haven't checked to see if i got anything yet today...and i really want to know! because if there is something there...well wouldn't that just be like the most exciting thing ever!? on monday i got a chocolate santa and a card. it's pretty cool. i haven't eaten the santa yet. i'm looking forward to eating it though.
yesterday we were supposed to have a basketball game against holy cross...but they are REALLY REALLY we decided just to have a controlled scrimage...but we didn't have any motivation, and we really didn't want to be there. so we pretty much didn't play and practically gave up. it was pretty boring. i think holy cross thinks we suck. which we kinda do...good news is that i scored a basket! yay me!! haha no it's not my first basket, i've scored before. and tonight i have practice and is the last one before christmas break so i think we are just playing games and watching a movie basically so yeah it'll be fun, one last time to see my girls...especially considering i wasn't there last week because of winter band concert. anyways. the bell is about to ring in this class so i suppose i will go now...isn't this the most random post ever? next year i will look back to see what i was thinking in december...and basically i will think that i am a wierdo.
Monday, December 11, 2006
My Weekend
ok so i think i should catch the world up on my weekend. friday night was youth. girls night/guys night. it was fun. we girls went to robyn's...ate food, watched elf, played truth or's all good. lots of fun. then afterwards, i went to steph's for a sleepover. we just like hung around...talked, ate some food, played with her kitting, and watched csi miami. and slept a bit, of course. then saturday morning we got up and went shopping with kayla and caitlin. that was a lot of fun, we hadn't done that just the four of us for a while. then i went home...and did a little bit of nothing, then went to keith's soccer game. i must be good luck, the only game they won was the game i watched hehe. but really, they played very well. then keith drove me home and he was working on his song with my mom...and i was listening, and randomly checking my e-mail, and vacuuming, and eating, and practicing violin. and just when they were finally done, and i thought i would get to spend some time with keith...the people that i was babysitting for came to pick me up. grr. oh well. i had a really good time babysitting. besides the fact that i made $33, i got to watch shrek, have my nails painted, and play the game of life. i had an awesome time hanging out with craig and jennifer. i got home about 11pm, talked to my parents, and went to bed.
yesterday was such a busy and crazy day. but i enjoyed it so much! so here was a run through of my day: was very good. i quite enjoyed it. you could feel the drums in a piece of paper, or erin's bible. and my stomach was making funny noises. and i sat in the very front row...which was a little bit odd. some good singing though. and communion, which was good. pastor bryan dropped his mic...that was pretty funny.
1pm-1:20pm...frantically getting ready for the rest of the day.
1:30pm-2:45pm...playing christmas carols at alice turner library with caitlin, wendy, and grace. we did a good job. but i thought my mouth was going to fall off, it hurt so bad. and it was very hot in there. but still all right.
3pm-5pm...rehearsal for skit thinger that we had to do for the spirit of christmas. keith was a dear and brought me mcdonalds to eat...considering i practically hadn't eaten all day. we ran through the scenes about four was pretty repetetive, but we got it right.
5pm-6pm...randomly driving to mcdonalds to get carly food, then continuing on to my house to eat and play dutch blitz. it was pretty great. i kicked butt in one game. sweet. oh and i forgot to mention...before we left the church, we were just laying on the stage, and i was just randomly talking, and keith leaned over and squeezed my nose, and i started talking really funny so we started killing ourselves laughing (well at least erin and i did).
6pm-6:30pm...worrying about the skit. having our stomachs tied in knots. watching the seats fill up.
6:30pm-7:30pm...performing! and watching the other people perform. it was fun. i had a good time. we didn't mess up too badly. it went pretty good!
7:30pm-8:45pm...handing out treat bags to little kids. saying thank you to the people that complimented us on a job well done. complimenting other people on their performances. having robyn and lynette tell me and keith that they wished we woulda had to kiss in the play. "you were married and had kids, where was the kiss??? (194 today haha). cleaning up tables and chairs. me randomly getting picked and getting passed around...and finally falling on top of jeff on the floor (yeah that was awkward...). laughing at keith as he tried to open a sucker and broke it. then did the same thing to another one. almost killing keith with a chair. watching carly protect her cream puffs. cleaning up some more, and finally driving home with jeff and erin. well they gave me a ride was funny. i was laughing so hard...and so was erin. and jeff is like you two are crazy...but he was laughing too so it's all good.
so that was my insane day last night. and then when i got home, i had a bit of homework and stuff. but not too much. got into bed at like 11:30...after getting in trouble from my mom for talking on the phone haha. but it was some good conversations.
and today so far, life has been pretty good. boring this morning, nothing really too exciting happening today except now i don't have an accounting test!! yay! it got cancelled! i have an assignment due thursday...but i've got a couple days to work on it. basketball practice tonight. which will be interesting. wondering if i will get anything from my secret santa today. wondering who my secret santa is. thinking about how incredibly stupid this post is. but that's all right. because for all of you who keep up with my blog almost every day (and i know there are a couple of you!), you can be slightly interested by hearing about my weekend.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Back to the Topic of Stealing
ok. one of my very close friends was going to steal a bag of skittles from the school servery.
right under my nose.
right in front of me.
no big deal, right?
i was ticked.
"where did the skittles go?"
"i put them back".
"did you really?"
"no i don't think you did, you haven't moved. and they're not back in the basket. are you trying to steal them?"
"no. you can't do that. i won't let you."
"big deal, i know i can get away with it."
"i don't care. it's wrong".
so i gave him the money to pay for the skittles. cost me money...but i couldn't just walk away knowing that there were skittles in his pocket that he hadn't paid for. not on my watch.
afterwards, another friend was like "you're just going to have to let it go. it's their decision. just leave it alone". and well...she's kinda right. it is their choice. but i can't just stand there and do nothing. that's like saying i don't care, or worse, saying that i approve. and i don't. i don't think that's right, and i don't want anyone doing that. especially not my close friends. because stealing now...that can just continue on and on, until it truly gets to be a big problem with the law or something.
as far as i'm concerned, he shouldn't be doing that. and i won't stand to watch that. but i can't just turn my back and pretend i don't see, when he obviously did it right in front of me. some people may think that's cool or whatever...not me. total opposite, in fact.
i trusted this guy. i knew he did this...but i never though he would do it in front of me. or lie to me about doing it, in fact. it hurts that he would lie to me...and it hurts that he would do this in the first place.
am i taking this too seriously? most people say i am...that i have too strong of morals, that i just need to let it be.
but i can't seem to let it go! and in some ways...i don't want to let it go. i won't just leave him and not talk to him anymore, he's a friend and i love him. but i can't just ignore this...
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Band Concert
so yeah that was pretty much my day...taken up with choir and band trying to get everything together and "last minute instructions" and whatnot. it's been pretty insane...and throw basketball into the mix...well it's been a run around kind of day. but still good.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Pre-New Year Resolutions
i hope no one fell dead from the shock of that statement.
but seriously. i mean i just love being able to type/write everything out in my life, whether it's a serious life or death issue, or just what i did today. i just find that i always feel so much better after posting on here.
so if you're really keen on keeping up with my life, this blog is the place to be. daily stories, daily joys, daily aches and pains, my daily sorrows.
i know people usually make like new years resolutions or whatever but heck i can make them now.
i want to be closer to god, i want to learn more about myself. and i think that in a way, the two go hand in hand together. so therefore, this is going to be (in a way) my online diary. a place where i can be myself, and let it all out. where i can be close to god.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Valid Thoughts?
ok. so i've got to be brutally honest here. carly is honestly ticking me off right now. and it's not because she's really making me mad or anything...but i'm worried about her. i don't agree with some of the things she is doing. and it worries me! i worry for her safety and for her feelings and just her in general, and for the people close to me that she drags into this mess. which isn't exactly a mess...but well do you know what i mean? i see carly doing all this stuff, and i don't agree with what she does. something bad is bound to come of it, how could it not? people have told her this, and she just kinda brushes it off. and it's like ok, i won't pester you, i'll leave you alone if that's what you want. but don't talk about it in front of me. i'm tired of hearing it. and i think that's something i need to tell her next time i'm around her. because i am honestly sick and tired of hearing some of those stories. i mean yeah it's nice to know how her life is going, and funny things that happen. but some of it is just too much.
and then there's the issue of her dragging other people into this...namely keith. now i admire him for being responsible and looking out for her at the party and driving her and other people home and stuff. i mean kudos to him, he took care of people who needed to be taken care of, and he did it responsibly and everything. but i am very close with him...and i don't want him in those situations. i really don't have a real good reason for saying that to him...i don't really have a position to enforce that or anything like that. but i do not like those situations, and i don't like people so close to me in them. it's a bit of a mess.
i don't like it. maybe that's why i was so quiet yesterday...i was imagining the things that they were talking about.
and i didn't like it. not one bit.