wow. yesterday was...well a very heated argument...
maybe i should backtrack and explain this all. so grace invited erin, steph, and me over yesterday afternoon, and she said she wanted to talk to us about some stuff. so we're like ok...we knew what it was gonna like be about and stuff so we were pretty much mentally prepared. but it was still intense...like it started out pretty easy going and everything but eventually i mean it just turned into a shouting match...there was a lot of stuff flying back and forth. insults, comments, questions, accusations...and a whole bunch of other stuff. it was crazy. after a while i just kinda gave up and was like you know what i'm not even in this and honestly just kinda let grace and steph yell at each other...which was pretty bad but in some ways i think it just needed to get out. not maybe the best way to get it out...but it got out just the same.
i'm not going to go into a whole bunch of details about what we talked about yesterday...because if you were there, you know, and it's imprinted on your memory. and if you weren't there...no offense, and i'm sorry to leave you hanging, but you probably don't need (or want!) to know. all i can say is we pretty much fought. but i think (hope!) that the worst is over and that we can go back to good...
not normal. there is no normal. but back to good...
1 comment:
normal?... yeah, right. well, ummm, i guess that i should appologize for lossing my *cough* temper. i ment the things i said, just not the way i said it, as in yelling... anyhooo, thats all i really had to say... luv yas<3
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