Monday, January 29, 2007

Incredibly Indescribable

the. retreat. was. amazing.

can i describe it better than that? if you were was incredible. it's so hard to explain all of what happened. and i was going to try...but i think that i won't. i don't know how, and even if i could find words...the words would not be able to do it justice. so sorry, but this is one of those memories that will have to stay in my head. i can say, however, that some people talked to me and payed me compliments and other stuff like that. so that i will put here. because i was oh-so-blessed by what these people said to was incredible!

graham--> you are beautiful. there is so much potential in you. keep going. you're like a flower. never let a guy get closer than GOD, because the guy is not worth it. be careful in life.

anthony--> you are GOD's girl. guard your heart. promise me that. guard your heart.
steph--> you are an amazing person. you are such a leader, and you know exactly who you are, and taht shines through.
mike--> you are awesome, and vital to the youth group. you are flexible and not judgemental at all. keep it up, the youth group needs you.


*gracie* said...

heyy katie, sorry i missed the retreat but im glad u got to go. love yas!

steph said...

i kno... it was sooo amazing... specially saterday nite.... it was like nothing i had every experienced befor... oh yeah, and all those things are true katie... member how much GOD loves you!!!!

enji said...

the retreat... i'm half speechless. it was huge.
Katie, all those things that people said to you this week are sooo true. you're amazing dollie. (i hope you don't mind me stealing that nick-name.)
Do you honestly know how much i love you? i doubt that you know how much you mean to people. God uses you. He really uses you. and you know why? he loves you more than i do. more than all the youth group kids put together. and frankly, that's almost too much love to fathom. but it's true. your beautiful katie.
I love you.

katelynn said...

erin!! gee, way to make me tear up in my computer room...aww you guys are so nice to me!! thank you so guys mean so much to me...and now i'm being sappy...

Erika said...

that sounds really awesome, i'm sorry i missed it...but here's the key: what did you do for others? what did you say to them that gave them an amazing experience like yours? how were you a light? pass it on, that is crucial.

katelynn said...

hmmm...way to make me think there george! i'm not sure exactly...but well in my opinion i was like there for other people when they were crying and stuff and was just there for them with a hug and an ear...and i like hung out with everybody, not just like "my peeps" yeah. hey i had my interview on the weekend!!!

enji said...

hey erica, did you apply to go on the missions trip? have you had an interview?

Erika said...

Erika says, "hey...yeah i did apply for mexico...and my interview is on saturday. honestly i don't think they will accept me because i haven't been at youth that much but i hope they can look past that or something. whatever will be, will be, i guess."

katelynn said...

grr erika trust god...well i know you do, but to me it just seems as if your being pretty pessimistic about it and not too hopeful...idunno. maybe it's just me, and the fact that i have an extremely positive outlook on life!? maybe i'm on crack!? ok not the 2nd option...i'm gonna stop commenting on my own blog now...