so tonight at youth we made posters and banners and stuff to decorate the gym with for the taco lunch on sunday. it was so much fun! i was painting all night practically, and having a grand time with it all! i painted lots of stuff...and had my face painted...yeah i had green, red, and black paint ALL OVER my face. literally. it was pretty crazy. i was just supposed to have a green dot on my nose...but, well, when you let keith do it, what do you really expect? haha oh well i didn't mind. it felt kinda neat actually to have all that paint on my face, especially when it dried and cracked when i scrunched up my face. and then for small groups lyn was talking about flirting with guys...and you know i've been thinking about this issue actually over the last...oh, i don't know, about a year now i guess. and i have made some changes, i think, in the way i act around guys. and i think part of that is because i'm a different person now, and i'm closer to God, and i think it also has to do with keith...but yeah. i don't feel like i'm as much of a flirt now as i was before. but i know that i still do flirt, and i gotta say, it's hard not to! especially when everyone else is doing it, and that's the way i've always acted. but i truly do want to be different than all the other girls out there, and i don't want to be leading guys on. because i know thta it will end up hurting them, or making a big mess of a situation. so i'm working on it. i realize that it's a work in progress, and i'll probably never be perfect. but hopefully i won't be breaking guys hearts because i'm leading them on!
so that's the first two parts of my title. the third part, the surprise (well the surprise to me, i don't know if it was the one steph was talking about...) is that kent is in town for the week! ahh i missed the kid so much! it was awesome when he came tonight for a couple minutes, he put his hands over my eyes and said guess who, and i turned around and i was like KENT!! then i stood up and practically jumped on him to give him a super big hug. chatted with him for a couple minutes before he had to go...and i hate goodbyes...but he said that he was coming on sunday to the taco lunch which is awesome, and he'll be here all week, so hopefully i can hang out with him!
it's gonna be one crazy weekend, but i'm up for it!
yeah, i knew he was coming out but i wanted it to be a surprise for u guys
how come everyone knew but me?!?!?!?! oh well it was an awesome surprise!
that monkey actually upsets me. it's disturbing and i can't concentrate on reading your post.
yupp... that was the "surprise"... lol i just liked torturting you with not knowing.... hahaha
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