i'm home again...HELLO WORLD! haha
well i am back from my interesting week at mdt. mdt stands for ministry development training, but the theme this week was monastaric development training. we were doing some old school monastary stuff like praying the hours (four times a day praying all together) and some other stuff of the like, like silence and stuff. but i think david said it best when he said mdt stood for Misquitoes Dirt and sweaT! which is so true. the bugs were crazy...not only those little blood suckers that buzz in your ear at night, but the horseflys and wasps/hornets as well. so many people were stung this week which was really painful for them. thankfully i was not bitten but i know a lot of people that were and i felt so bad.
mdt was really cool and a great learning experience in all but i'm not going to go into all the details mostly because i can't remember half of them right now soo i will just let them randomly pop out in other conversations.
so on to my other plans for the summer (just so y'all know and can call me when i'm actually home haha). well i'm around at home this week until friday when i go on the youth retreat WOOT WOOT it will be a party! and then i am staying at my cabin after the retreat for a day then going home with my aunt/uncle/cousins so that i can go to camp with them where i am cooking for a week! yay! i'm excited for that. then i am home for another week, then back to my cabin for two weeks straight where i will be chilling with my family haha and hopefully getting a killer tan! and not whiplash from tubing. then i believe i'm back for another week? then off again to camp at the quest for sr. teen which grace and erin you should both come and i had people come up to me and say WHAT they are not coming to sr. teen? make them!!! so therefore you must both come now. it's not full...sign up! anyways. then after camp back here until school starts! or maybe at my cabin a little bit, not exactly sure on the specifics of that. but yeah that's the rest of my summer.
i'm not really sure what else to say because there is so much that went on this week at mdt but i just don't know how to explain it all and have it come out in a way that would make sense and not be like "oh you had to be there" kind of thing. so i guess i will just leave it. i really need something interesting to post about. maybe something will hit me? and maybe not. but hopefully i'll be able to somewhat keep up with this blog in the summer...i guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Katelynn I have the sound of Melodies Song... it's by Leeland. it sounds a little different but none the less awesome I'm trying to find I will run...
where did you find it???
heyy katie! glad ur back. im confused about when u will be home and such so to make it eadier on my brain just call me when u can hang out..lol anyways, glad u had fun i missed u guys! call me
oh my goodness!! i missed you my darling!!!! where were you on sunday? why didn't you and steph come to church? i want to hear more about mdt!! much love.
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