Tuesday, July 24, 2007


"A happy childhood is the worst possible preperation for life"

the above quote is one i read in a bathroom reader yesterday. and it got me to thinking.

life for me has been reasonably easy. god has certainly blessed me a lot through life. i would say that i'm fairly average in athletic, academic, and social abilities. (if you disagree, please leave me a comment! haha) i have been lucky enough to grow up in a christian home, surrounded at all times by christian family and friends. i have grown up in an amazing church with lots of kids programs and fun youth groups. i have always had the support i've needed, both emotionally and financially. i've had lots of great opportunities for travel, and have had the chance to do lots of fun things. i am very healthy. i go to a good school, live in a good area of town. i have never really wanted for anything without being able to get it.

death has not hit me. and when i say me, i mean it has not hit close to home. the closest that death has come to me would be a great aunt or uncle, whom i barely know. none of the family that i am close to has died. none of my friends have died, and very few of them have had someone extremely important die in their lives.

so when i read this quote...i thought of myself. i have had a happy childhood. is the rest of life, aka the adult life, going to be horrible for me? will i find myself in a place of financial worry? will friends and family walk away, or worse, die? will i suddenly be left alone?

these are my fears. and yes, maybe they seem irrational. but you've got to understand...my upbringing, my life...has been easy, it's been good. i love that it's been good, i'm very blessed by god and i know how lucky and blessed i am.

but i worry about my future, and lots of aspects of it. this is just one of them that i have been worrying about lately.

death is a great fear of mine, mainly because it has not hit me yet. i have not really learned how to deal with death. (i haven't even ever had a pet die!).
so i wonder...as i get older, and the people around me get older...
will death hit me?
and will i be able to cope?

1 comment:

enji said...

"for i know the plans i have for you," says the lord. "they are pland for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."
Jere 29:11
i think the author is an average person. your life is whatever God makes it. he said in his word that he will bless you.
"the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; i have some that they may have life and have it to the full." John 10:10
that's a promise katie. a promise made by god.

my life has been the opposite lately espicially with the missionary who talked in church on sunday about niger africa. i can't stop thinking about how awesome my future is going to be and i keep tyring to plan it out. i realized i shouldn't be doing that because i need to live in the present. "don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring its own worries." gods put you in the moment and each minute you get to choose how to live it. its good to think about the future, but don't dwell in it katie. gods plan for you will be awesome. he's gonna bless you hugely. just trust in that. besides, nothing you can say or do can stop the inevitable. god's plan is what it is and if he's says it will happen it will happen so it does no good to try and plan your own future apart from him. trust him katie. he knows what he's doing.