Saturday, January 21, 2006


Why do people change? Is it something that they can control, or that they can't? Maybe it's some of both...

That's what I think. That it's some of both. Like some things about change you have no control over, but some things you have total control over.

But everyone changes. Sometimes you just have to accept the change.

But what if you change, and everyone liked the "old you" better? It's not always possible to go back...

Change is natural. Change can be good, bad, or both. Change is necessary. Change is hard. Change is exciting. Change is scary. Change is dangerous. Change worries people. Change changes people.

And sometimes people don't like the changes.

Can you move backwards after moving forwards? Is it worth it to do that?

How much change is too much?

1 comment:

Erika said...

haha katie i love you. haha, you say it best--"change changes people"! haha lol sry i laughed at that cuz its so weird and stupid but so incredibly true...